Long Marston Conservation Area Character Appraisal

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Consultation has concluded

We want to find out what you think is important about the character and appearance of the Long Marston Conservation Area and how you wish to see this enhanced in the future.

What is a conservation area?

A conservation area is ‘An area of special architectural or historic interest – the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’, Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Conservation areas are based on areas of architectural and historic interest which will include individual buildings, groups of buildings or landscape features. It is the quality

We want to find out what you think is important about the character and appearance of the Long Marston Conservation Area and how you wish to see this enhanced in the future.

What is a conservation area?

A conservation area is ‘An area of special architectural or historic interest – the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’, Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Conservation areas are based on areas of architectural and historic interest which will include individual buildings, groups of buildings or landscape features. It is the quality and interest of areas in their entirety, rather than that of individual buildings or features, which defines the special character of a conservation area.

Space between buildings – roads, footpaths, greens, squares, courtyards, paving and historic surfaces, ponds, rivers together with enclosing features – buildings, trees, hedges, walls, railings, and also details such as shopfronts, street furniture, signage – all contribute to the ‘special interest’, identity and individuality of the conservation area. Views into, within and out of conservation areas can be important and sometimes a defining characteristic.

Why preserve and enhance conservation areas?

People value the historic environment highly – they appreciate the ‘sense of place’ and identity derived from old buildings, traditional materials and important open spaces often complimented by the natural environment.

In seeking to preserve and enhance the ‘special’ character and appearance of a conservation area, emphasis is placed on managing change – through planning, listed building applications, repairs and alterations, proposals for advertisements, and works to trees and highways.

Policies relating to conservation areas are found in Dacorum Borough’s planning policies. These policies, together with national, regional, and county policy advice, form the basis for decision-making related to the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.

The historic environment can be vulnerable to damaging new development such as inappropriately dominant new buildings, excessively large extensions or inappropriately styled conservatories, porches and signs or the misguided or inappropriate use of materials. Alterations such as unsuitable doors and windows, plastic rainwater goods, concrete roofing materials, large rooflights, and inappropriate boundary walls, fences or hedges can all have a significant detrimental impact on the character and appearance of conservation areas.

What is a conservation area appraisal?

A conservation area appraisal defines, summarises and gives value and significance to the features and elements of special interest within a conservation area. In doing so it will help inform decision-making within the local authority and help them in their duty to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.

The following questions are intended to find out what you think is important about the character and appearance of the Long Marston Conservation Area and how you wish to see this enhanced in the future.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is open from Wednesday 15 January and closes midnight Friday 14 February 2025.

    Consultation has concluded
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