Suggest a topic for scrutiny (2025/26)
Consultation on Overview and Scrutiny Work Programmes for 2025/26
Overview and Scrutiny is a fundamental aspect of the local democratic decision-making process, helping to enhance the quality of public services in the borough. It is the process through which the performance, decisions, and plans of the Council are examined by elected members who are not part of the Cabinet.
Each year, members of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees are tasked with selecting topics to be included in their annual work programmes. In doing so, we aim to address the issues that matter most to our residents across Dacorum.
We are inviting suggestions for topics you would like the committee to review this year. We are encouraging responses from elected members, community groups, council officers, and members of the public to submit topics for consideration.
Criteria for Suggested Topics
To ensure the effectiveness of the scrutiny process, we ask that proposed topics meet the following criteria:
- It affects a group or groups of people living within Dacorum.
- It relates to a service the Council has a significant interest in or can influence.
- There is a high level of local concern or dissatisfaction with a service.
- It is not already being addressed by another committee within the Council.
- It does not pertain to an individual complaint about a service.
We are not able to commit to take all suggestions forward, we may not be able to progress a topic if;
- There is already work underway in another area of the Council on that topic, or it has already been the subject of scrutiny within the past 12 months.
- The proposed topic does not have implications for a significant portion of the local community.
Overview and Scrutiny Committees at Dacorum Borough Council
There are three Overview and Scrutiny Committees at Dacorum Borough Council, each supporting the work of the Cabinet and the Council as a whole. Their main roles include:
- Holding the Cabinet to account.
- Improving and developing council policies.
- Examining decisions before they are implemented.
- Engaging with members of the public.
- Monitoring the performance of the council and its partners.
The three committees are:
Finance & Resources Committee
This committee focuses on all matters related to the Cabinet Portfolio for Corporate & Commercial Services and People & Transformation, including financial services, revenues and benefits, legal and democratic, licensing, procurement, commercial property, digital transformation, project management, corporate governance, and communications, among others.Housing & Community Committee
This committee covers matters associated with the Cabinet Portfolio for Housing & Property Services, such as housing management, allocations, homelessness prevention, private sector housing, asset management, housing delivery, and other related services.Strategic Planning & Environment Committee
This committee is responsible for issues related to the Cabinet Portfolios for Place & Neighbourhood Services such as environmental health, waste & recycling, waste transformation, parks and open spaces, strategic planning, development management, planning enforcement, place strategies, climate change, economic growth, community partnerships, adventure playgrounds, sports and leisure/health and arts and culture along with various other related services.
Each committee may also be required to monitor the performance of relevant Council services, including those provided under contract or agreement with external organisations.
How to Contribute
To help shape our work programmes for 2025/26, please complete our below survey. Your input is valuable and will assist in identifying topics that are important to the residents of Dacorum.
Deadline for Submissions: Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 11.59pm
We look forward to hearing your suggestions and working together to improve our borough.