Dacorum Local Plan to 2041 - Statement of Representations Procedure

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Statement of Representation Procedure and Availability of Documents

Dacorum Local Plan 2026-2041: Pre-Submission Version

Regulation 19: Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended)

1. Statement of Representation

1.1 This statement has been prepared by Dacorum Borough Council (the Council) pursuant to the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (regulations 19, 20 and 35) as amended.

2. Title of document(s)

  • Dacorum Local Plan to 2041: Pre-Submission Version
  • Dacorum Local Plan to 2041: Submission Policies Map
  • Sustainability Appraisal
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment

3. Subject matter

3.1 The Local Plan sets out the strategic spatial planning policy framework for the administrative area of the borough of Dacorum and includes:

  • The strategic challenges faced by the borough
  • The spatial vision, strategic objectives, and spatial development strategy for the borough until 2041
  • Strategic site allocations and associated policies
  • A suite of strategic and development management policies to be used to determine planning applications within the borough
  • Implementation and delivery policies, and a monitoring framework

3.2 The documents (listed in section 2 above) are being made available for public inspection to provide any individual, organisation, or business the opportunity to make representations for the consideration of an independent Planning Inspector. This Statement of Representations Procedure will also be available for inspection.

3.3 Once adopted, the Dacorum Local Plan to 2041 will replace the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) and the ‘saved’ policies from the 2004 Local Plan.

4. Period for submission of representations

4.1 The period for submission of representations will last for 6 weeks and begins at 12pm (noon) on Monday 4th November 2024 and ends at 12pm (noon) on Tuesday 17th December 2024.

4.2 All representations must be submitted and received by the council during this time. Please note that only representations received by the close date must be considered by the Planning Inspector at Examination. Late representations may not be considered.

5. Statement of Fact - Where to view the plan and supporting documents

5.1 Online versions of the documents listed in section 2 above and all supporting documents are available to view on the council’s website: letstalk.dacorum.gov.uk/hub-page/newlocalplan

5.2 A printable version of the documents listed in section 2 are available for inspection (during normal opening hours) at:

a) Borough Council Offices

Opening times: https://www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/do-it-online/contact-us

  • The Forum, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1DN
  • Berkhamsted Civic Centre, HP4 3HB
  • Victoria Hall, Tring, HP23 6AA

b) All public libraries within the borough

Opening times: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/Libraries-and-archives/Library-opening-hours/Library-opening-hours-and-locations.aspx

6. What to consider when making a representation

6.1 The role of this consultation is to provide the opportunity for representations to be made on the ‘soundness’ and legal compliance of the plan before it is submitted for Examination. See Item 5) below for more information.

6.2 When making representations on the documents (listed in section 1 above), the following questions should be considered:

  • Is the plan legally compliant? Does the plan comply with the relevant legislation and regulations in the way it has been prepared, and it its content?
  • Does the plan comply with ‘Duty to Cooperate’? Has the local planning authority engaged constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis with neighbouring authorities and other prescribed bodies during the preparation of the plan?
  • Is the plan ‘sound’? Has the plan been ‘positively prepared’? Is it robustly justified and evidence-led? Will it be effective in what it sets out to achieve? Is it consistent with regional and national planning policy?

7. How to submit your representation

7.1 Representations must be made using the required comments form, which is available on our website and in paper form at the locations listed in section 5 above. Representations can be made:

  • Online through our consultation portal: letstalk.dacorum.gov.uk/hub-page/newlocalplan
  • By post, addressed to: Strategic Planning, Dacorum Borough Council, The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. HP1 1DN.

7.2 Please note that all comments will be made public and will be submitted to the Secretary of State alongside the Dacorum Local Plan to 2041 and its supporting documents. The representations will be considered as part of a public Examination held by an independent Planning Inspector.

7.3 We will not be able to consider confidential or anonymous responses. Your comments and name will be published but other information will remain confidential. Please see our Strategic Planning Privacy Policy at www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/open-data/personal-information/privacy-policies.

8 Notification of next stages

8.1 When making your representation you will also have the option to request to be notified of the following stages of the Local Plan process:

  • the submission of the Local Plan for independent Examination; and
  • the publication of the Inspector’s recommendations following Examination; and
  • the adoption of the Local Plan.

8.2 You can also state when making your representation if you wish to appear at a hearing session of the public Examination. The Inspector will determine the most appropriate procedure to adopt to hear those who have indicated that they wish to participate at the oral part of the examination. However, it will be for the Planning Inspector (from the Planning Inspectorate) to decide who attends hearing sessions.

8.3 Written representations will carry the same weight as those presented orally. Members of the public will be able to attend the hearing sessions to observe the proceedings.

9. Contact for more information

9.1 For further information, please contact the Strategic Planning Team.

  • Email: strategic.planning@dacorum.gov.uk
  • Phone: 01442 228000
  • Address: Strategic Planning, Dacorum Borough Council, The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. HP1 1DN.

Statement of Representation Procedure and Availability of Documents

Dacorum Local Plan 2026-2041: Pre-Submission Version

Regulation 19: Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended)

1. Statement of Representation

1.1 This statement has been prepared by Dacorum Borough Council (the Council) pursuant to the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (regulations 19, 20 and 35) as amended.

2. Title of document(s)

  • Dacorum Local Plan to 2041: Pre-Submission Version
  • Dacorum Local Plan to 2041: Submission Policies Map
  • Sustainability Appraisal
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment

3. Subject matter

3.1 The Local Plan sets out the strategic spatial planning policy framework for the administrative area of the borough of Dacorum and includes:

  • The strategic challenges faced by the borough
  • The spatial vision, strategic objectives, and spatial development strategy for the borough until 2041
  • Strategic site allocations and associated policies
  • A suite of strategic and development management policies to be used to determine planning applications within the borough
  • Implementation and delivery policies, and a monitoring framework

3.2 The documents (listed in section 2 above) are being made available for public inspection to provide any individual, organisation, or business the opportunity to make representations for the consideration of an independent Planning Inspector. This Statement of Representations Procedure will also be available for inspection.

3.3 Once adopted, the Dacorum Local Plan to 2041 will replace the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) and the ‘saved’ policies from the 2004 Local Plan.

4. Period for submission of representations

4.1 The period for submission of representations will last for 6 weeks and begins at 12pm (noon) on Monday 4th November 2024 and ends at 12pm (noon) on Tuesday 17th December 2024.

4.2 All representations must be submitted and received by the council during this time. Please note that only representations received by the close date must be considered by the Planning Inspector at Examination. Late representations may not be considered.

5. Statement of Fact - Where to view the plan and supporting documents

5.1 Online versions of the documents listed in section 2 above and all supporting documents are available to view on the council’s website: letstalk.dacorum.gov.uk/hub-page/newlocalplan

5.2 A printable version of the documents listed in section 2 are available for inspection (during normal opening hours) at:

a) Borough Council Offices

Opening times: https://www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/do-it-online/contact-us

  • The Forum, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1DN
  • Berkhamsted Civic Centre, HP4 3HB
  • Victoria Hall, Tring, HP23 6AA

b) All public libraries within the borough

Opening times: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/Libraries-and-archives/Library-opening-hours/Library-opening-hours-and-locations.aspx

6. What to consider when making a representation

6.1 The role of this consultation is to provide the opportunity for representations to be made on the ‘soundness’ and legal compliance of the plan before it is submitted for Examination. See Item 5) below for more information.

6.2 When making representations on the documents (listed in section 1 above), the following questions should be considered:

  • Is the plan legally compliant? Does the plan comply with the relevant legislation and regulations in the way it has been prepared, and it its content?
  • Does the plan comply with ‘Duty to Cooperate’? Has the local planning authority engaged constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis with neighbouring authorities and other prescribed bodies during the preparation of the plan?
  • Is the plan ‘sound’? Has the plan been ‘positively prepared’? Is it robustly justified and evidence-led? Will it be effective in what it sets out to achieve? Is it consistent with regional and national planning policy?

7. How to submit your representation

7.1 Representations must be made using the required comments form, which is available on our website and in paper form at the locations listed in section 5 above. Representations can be made:

  • Online through our consultation portal: letstalk.dacorum.gov.uk/hub-page/newlocalplan
  • By post, addressed to: Strategic Planning, Dacorum Borough Council, The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. HP1 1DN.

7.2 Please note that all comments will be made public and will be submitted to the Secretary of State alongside the Dacorum Local Plan to 2041 and its supporting documents. The representations will be considered as part of a public Examination held by an independent Planning Inspector.

7.3 We will not be able to consider confidential or anonymous responses. Your comments and name will be published but other information will remain confidential. Please see our Strategic Planning Privacy Policy at www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/open-data/personal-information/privacy-policies.

8 Notification of next stages

8.1 When making your representation you will also have the option to request to be notified of the following stages of the Local Plan process:

  • the submission of the Local Plan for independent Examination; and
  • the publication of the Inspector’s recommendations following Examination; and
  • the adoption of the Local Plan.

8.2 You can also state when making your representation if you wish to appear at a hearing session of the public Examination. The Inspector will determine the most appropriate procedure to adopt to hear those who have indicated that they wish to participate at the oral part of the examination. However, it will be for the Planning Inspector (from the Planning Inspectorate) to decide who attends hearing sessions.

8.3 Written representations will carry the same weight as those presented orally. Members of the public will be able to attend the hearing sessions to observe the proceedings.

9. Contact for more information

9.1 For further information, please contact the Strategic Planning Team.

  • Email: strategic.planning@dacorum.gov.uk
  • Phone: 01442 228000
  • Address: Strategic Planning, Dacorum Borough Council, The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. HP1 1DN.

Page last updated: 17 Dec 2024, 12:12 PM