Changes to the Strategy for Growth in Hemel Hempstead

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The consultation on the Revised Strategy for Growth is now closed.

Please note we have consulted specifically on changes we proposed as part of the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' consultation in 2020. 

In Hemel Hempstead, we are planning to deliver 11,696 new homes from 2024 to 2040, a 10% increase from our proposal in 2020. This growth will support the wider transformation of the town.

We believe that this strategy will deliver the following key benefits for Hemel Hempstead:

  • Around 3,500 affordable homes, including 
    • 875 First Homes for affordable home ownership; and 
    • 2,625 Genuinely Affordable / Social Homes to Rent.
  • Specialist housing provision including, but not limited to, wheelchair accessible homes, provision for older people and homes for self-builders;
  • At least 6 new primary schools and 2 new secondary schools;
  • A new, revised hospital hub;
  • New healthcare provision delivered through upgraded/extended GP surgeries and new health hubs;
  • Regeneration of the town centre;
  • Sustainable transport improvements, including
    • Multi-modal transport interchanges (linking different forms of passenger transport such as buses, trains, walking and cycling);
    • Improvements to key transport corridors;
    • Regeneration of Hemel Hempstead Train Station; and
    • Enhanced walking and cycling routes.
  • New outdoor sports provision (such as sports pitches) and multi-use games areas; and
  • New public green spaces, play spaces, and food growing areas.

Local Plan Proposed Allocations

In the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' we proposed a number of allocations in Hemel Hempstead. We are now proposing to make the following changes:

Site Reference / NameProposed Status (2023 Revised Strategy)
HH01/HH02: North Hemel Retained (single allocation) for 2500 homes
HH03: Hospital Site Retained for 450 homes
HH04: Paradise/Wood Lane Retained for 350 homes
HH05: Market Square Retained for 150 homes
HH06: Civic Centre Site Retained for 200 homes
HH07: NCP Car Park, Hillfield Road Retained for 100 homes
HH08: Station Gateway Retained for 360 homes
HH09: National Grid Land Retained for 440 homes
HH10: Symbio Place Retained for 180 homes
HH11: Two Waters North Retained for 350 homes
HH12: Two Waters/London Road Deleted
HH13: Frogmore Road Retained for 170 homes
HH14: 233 London Road Deleted
HH15: Ebberns Road Deleted
HH16: Two Waters Road / A41 Junction (Employment)Retained for employment (Under Review)
HH17: Cupid Green Depot Retained for 360 homes
HH18: Kier Park Retained for 234 homes
HH19: Wood Lane End Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH20: Breakspear Way / Green Lane / Boundary Way (Employment)Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH21: West Hemel Hempstead Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH22: Marchmont Farm Retained for 382 homes
HH23: Old Town Retained for 90 homes
HH24: Land at Turners Hill Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH25: Land to R/O St Margarets Way / Datchworth Turn Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH26: South of Green Lane Retained for 80 homes
HH27: Jarman Park (Out of centre retail)Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH28: Bunkers Park (Crematorium and Cemetery) Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
Grovehill Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Henry Wells SquareRetained for 200 homes
Apsley Mills Retail ParkNew Site for 500 homes
RiversideNew Site for 450 homes

Windfall Allowance

This sets out the amount of homes that we think will unexpectedly come forward for development over the period of our Local Plan (2024-2040) that are not formally allocated (referred to as 'windfalls'). This has been calculated by assessing past delivery trends.

Windfall Allowance (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Windfall Allowance (Revised Strategy 2023)

Sites with Planning Permission

This sets out the number of homes that currently have planning permission, but have yet to be completely built out. They form part of our 'housing supply', but they don't need to be allocated by the Local Plan.

Homes with Planning Permission (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Homes with Planning Permission (Revised Strategy 2023)

The other provisions in the delivery strategy for Hemel Hempstead are subject to on-going technical work and the outcome of any changes to national planning policy.

You can view the proposed revisions and detailed site requirements on the map below.

Please note we have consulted specifically on changes we proposed as part of the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' consultation in 2020. 

In Hemel Hempstead, we are planning to deliver 11,696 new homes from 2024 to 2040, a 10% increase from our proposal in 2020. This growth will support the wider transformation of the town.

We believe that this strategy will deliver the following key benefits for Hemel Hempstead:

  • Around 3,500 affordable homes, including 
    • 875 First Homes for affordable home ownership; and 
    • 2,625 Genuinely Affordable / Social Homes to Rent.
  • Specialist housing provision including, but not limited to, wheelchair accessible homes, provision for older people and homes for self-builders;
  • At least 6 new primary schools and 2 new secondary schools;
  • A new, revised hospital hub;
  • New healthcare provision delivered through upgraded/extended GP surgeries and new health hubs;
  • Regeneration of the town centre;
  • Sustainable transport improvements, including
    • Multi-modal transport interchanges (linking different forms of passenger transport such as buses, trains, walking and cycling);
    • Improvements to key transport corridors;
    • Regeneration of Hemel Hempstead Train Station; and
    • Enhanced walking and cycling routes.
  • New outdoor sports provision (such as sports pitches) and multi-use games areas; and
  • New public green spaces, play spaces, and food growing areas.

Local Plan Proposed Allocations

In the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' we proposed a number of allocations in Hemel Hempstead. We are now proposing to make the following changes:

Site Reference / NameProposed Status (2023 Revised Strategy)
HH01/HH02: North Hemel Retained (single allocation) for 2500 homes
HH03: Hospital Site Retained for 450 homes
HH04: Paradise/Wood Lane Retained for 350 homes
HH05: Market Square Retained for 150 homes
HH06: Civic Centre Site Retained for 200 homes
HH07: NCP Car Park, Hillfield Road Retained for 100 homes
HH08: Station Gateway Retained for 360 homes
HH09: National Grid Land Retained for 440 homes
HH10: Symbio Place Retained for 180 homes
HH11: Two Waters North Retained for 350 homes
HH12: Two Waters/London Road Deleted
HH13: Frogmore Road Retained for 170 homes
HH14: 233 London Road Deleted
HH15: Ebberns Road Deleted
HH16: Two Waters Road / A41 Junction (Employment)Retained for employment (Under Review)
HH17: Cupid Green Depot Retained for 360 homes
HH18: Kier Park Retained for 234 homes
HH19: Wood Lane End Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH20: Breakspear Way / Green Lane / Boundary Way (Employment)Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH21: West Hemel Hempstead Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH22: Marchmont Farm Retained for 382 homes
HH23: Old Town Retained for 90 homes
HH24: Land at Turners Hill Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH25: Land to R/O St Margarets Way / Datchworth Turn Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH26: South of Green Lane Retained for 80 homes
HH27: Jarman Park (Out of centre retail)Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
HH28: Bunkers Park (Crematorium and Cemetery) Permissioned (no longer requires allocation)
Grovehill Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Henry Wells SquareRetained for 200 homes
Apsley Mills Retail ParkNew Site for 500 homes
RiversideNew Site for 450 homes

Windfall Allowance

This sets out the amount of homes that we think will unexpectedly come forward for development over the period of our Local Plan (2024-2040) that are not formally allocated (referred to as 'windfalls'). This has been calculated by assessing past delivery trends.

Windfall Allowance (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Windfall Allowance (Revised Strategy 2023)

Sites with Planning Permission

This sets out the number of homes that currently have planning permission, but have yet to be completely built out. They form part of our 'housing supply', but they don't need to be allocated by the Local Plan.

Homes with Planning Permission (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Homes with Planning Permission (Revised Strategy 2023)

The other provisions in the delivery strategy for Hemel Hempstead are subject to on-going technical work and the outcome of any changes to national planning policy.

You can view the proposed revisions and detailed site requirements on the map below.

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Hemel Hempstead Map

over 1 year
KeySite TypeExplanation 

Retained SiteThis site has been retained from the Emerging Strategy for Growth 2020

Amended SiteThis site has been retained from the Emerging Strategy for Growth 2020 with changes

New SiteThis site has been added following the Emerging Strategy for Growth 2020

Deleted SiteThis site has been removed following the Emerging Strategy for Growth 2020

PermissionsThis site has current planning permission, and could potentially be under construction, as of 01/04/2023

Site proposed by another Council.This site is in the St Albans City and District council area, and is proposed as an allocation in the emerging St Albans Local Plan.

*the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' refers to the consultation published by Dacorum Borough Council in 2020.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.