Changes to the Strategy for Growth in Tring

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The consultation on the Revised Strategy for Growth is now closed.

Please note we have consulted specifically on changes we are proposing to the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth'. 

In Tring we are planning to deliver 522 new homes from 2024 to 2040, an 81% decrease from our proposal in 2020. 

We believe that this strategy will deliver the following key benefits for Tring:

  • Around 155 affordable homes, including 
    • 39 First Homes for affordable home ownership; and 
    • 116 Genuinely Affordable / Social Homes to Rent.
  • 5ha for new employment uses at Dunsley Farm (delivered alongside new homes);
  • A new primary school.
  • Improvements to the sustainable transport network, including the railway station.
  • New public green spaces and an enhanced wildlife site.

Local Plan Proposed Allocations

In the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' we proposed a number of allocations in Hemel Hempstead. We are now proposing to make the following changes:

Site Reference / Name
Proposed Status (Revised Strategy 2023)
Tr01: Dunsley FarmAmended (number of homes reduced from 400 to 250)
Tr02: New MillDeleted
Tr03: East of TringDeleted
Tr04: Icknield WayDeleted
Tr05: Miswell LanePermissioned (no longer requires allocation)
Tr06: High Street / Brook StreetDeleted

Windfall Allowance

This sets out the amount of homes that we think will unexpectedly come forward for development over the period of our Local Plan (2024-2040) that are not formally allocated (referred to as 'windfalls'). This has been calculated by assessing past delivery trends.

Windfall Allowance (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Windfall Allowance (Revised Strategy 2023)

Sites with Planning Permission

This sets out the number of homes that currently have planning permission, but have yet to be completely built out. They form part of our 'housing supply', but they don't need to be allocated by the Local Plan.

Homes with Planning Permission (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Homes with Planning Permission (Revised Strategy 2023)

The other provisions in the delivery strategy for Tring are subject to on-going technical work and the outcome of any changes to national planning policy.

You can view the proposed revisions and detailed site requirements on the map below.

Please note we have consulted specifically on changes we are proposing to the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth'. 

In Tring we are planning to deliver 522 new homes from 2024 to 2040, an 81% decrease from our proposal in 2020. 

We believe that this strategy will deliver the following key benefits for Tring:

  • Around 155 affordable homes, including 
    • 39 First Homes for affordable home ownership; and 
    • 116 Genuinely Affordable / Social Homes to Rent.
  • 5ha for new employment uses at Dunsley Farm (delivered alongside new homes);
  • A new primary school.
  • Improvements to the sustainable transport network, including the railway station.
  • New public green spaces and an enhanced wildlife site.

Local Plan Proposed Allocations

In the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' we proposed a number of allocations in Hemel Hempstead. We are now proposing to make the following changes:

Site Reference / Name
Proposed Status (Revised Strategy 2023)
Tr01: Dunsley FarmAmended (number of homes reduced from 400 to 250)
Tr02: New MillDeleted
Tr03: East of TringDeleted
Tr04: Icknield WayDeleted
Tr05: Miswell LanePermissioned (no longer requires allocation)
Tr06: High Street / Brook StreetDeleted

Windfall Allowance

This sets out the amount of homes that we think will unexpectedly come forward for development over the period of our Local Plan (2024-2040) that are not formally allocated (referred to as 'windfalls'). This has been calculated by assessing past delivery trends.

Windfall Allowance (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Windfall Allowance (Revised Strategy 2023)

Sites with Planning Permission

This sets out the number of homes that currently have planning permission, but have yet to be completely built out. They form part of our 'housing supply', but they don't need to be allocated by the Local Plan.

Homes with Planning Permission (Emerging Strategy 2020)
Homes with Planning Permission (Revised Strategy 2023)

The other provisions in the delivery strategy for Tring are subject to on-going technical work and the outcome of any changes to national planning policy.

You can view the proposed revisions and detailed site requirements on the map below.

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Tring Map

over 1 year
KeySite TypeExplanation 

Amended SiteThis site has been retained from the Emerging Strategy for Growth 2020 with changes

Deleted SiteThis site has been removed following the Emerging Strategy for Growth 2020

PermissionsThis site has current planning permission, and could potentially be under construction, as of 01/04/2023

*the 'Emerging Strategy for Growth' refers to the consultation published by Dacorum Borough Council in 2020.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.